Auto transport companies are available to help move vehicles from one place to another. When you need to move a vehicle, you need to obtain a quote from a few transport companies so you know that you are getting the best deal at a rate you can afford. When you obtain a quote, some companies will not disclose all the fees to you at one time. The hidden fees can drastically change the amount that is due upon completion of services. Transport quotes can be tricky if you don’t know what to look for, what to ask about, and how to find the best service for your needs. Bay Area Vehicle Shipping Quotes At Bay Area Auto Transport, we work with you at every step to ensure that the cost is brought down to the minimum. Here are the key considerations that are taken into account when a quote is provided:
Pickup and Drop-off Locations
You should contact the transport companies that you are most interested in and determine where their pickup and drop off locations are near you. Some companies will customize the pick-up and drop off locations based on their customers while others do not offer this.
Type of Vehicle You Are Shipping
The larger the vehicle, the more you are going to pay for transport. If a vehicle is oversized or overweight, the additional shipping fees will be added accordingly. It’s important to note the size of your vehicle before you call so you won’t be shocked by an oversized vehicle quote.
Condition of Your Vehicle
The condition of your vehicle at the time you are transporting will have something to do with the quote you receive. Is your vehicle running or is it drivable when they pick it up? A good example of where this would matter is that some companies will charge a non-operational charge for vehicles that do not run because of the added work it takes to get them loaded and unloaded onto the transport carrier. If a vehicle is wrecked or totaled, the vehicle quote will be even higher than one that is running.
Type of Carrier You Are Requesting
The standard auto transport companies will offer a quote from a standard shipping quotes based on an open auto transport carrier. This is the most common way of transporting a vehicle today. Unfortunately not all vehicles can be shipped on an open carrier, such as vintage, high end vehicles like the Lamborghini, or high valued vehicles like the Bentley. If you are transporting one of these vehicles, you are most likely going to want them placed inside of an enclosed trailer to protect them from any elements of weather or debris kicking up off the road or from other vehicles.
When You Need It Shipped
All transport companies will schedule your pick up within a small window of time, normally one to ten days from the day that you book your pick up order. If you are in a hurry and must ship quickly, you will need to stress this during your phone call and be willing to pay expedited shipping charges as well. You can also request a standby shipping service which will offer you a lower price, if you are not in a hurry. However, with this option, your vehicle will take longer to get picked up and delivered. Before a shipping company releases a quote based on your requirements, they will take into consideration everything that you have went over in order to determine what would be the best way to ship your vehicle the most efficiently. There are many factors that will depend on the carrier’s ability to deliver your vehicle to you; the route, the fuel prices during the time of your transport, and more.